Valuable Information
The programme covers the first 12 months of treatment, thereafter patients will be enrolled onto the State Central Chronic Medicine Dispensing and Distribution (CCMDD) programme to collect medication at a convenient pick-up point such as a retail chain or pharmacy depending on locations available.
We offer free HIV counselling and testing services to uninsured clients. After a year of HIV treatment with a Your Care Network doctor, patients will then be enrolled with the State’s Central Chronic Medicine Dispensing and Distribution (CCMDD) programme, where they can collect their medication from a convenient designated pick-up point such as a retail chain or pharmacy depending on locations available.
Patients may continue with private care at the GP at their own expense or transfer to a state facility for bi-annual consultations. The blood tests and medication will still be at no cost to the patient and there are on-going negotiations with the DoH to potentially subsidise these bi-annual monitoring visits after the first year.
Yes! You can download the latest GP and Pharmacy Listing here.
All patients need to bring one of the mentioned below identification document:
Passport, or
SA ID, or
Work permit, or
Asylum seeker document
So ONE of the above.
We offer HIV counselling and testing services (HTS) in order to know your status and be responsible for your healthcare. If you are found to be positive, we complete a thorough assessment of your current status including certain standard baseline blood tests and a TB screening. This includes determining the World Health Organisation (WHO) staging of HIV. A customised care plan is developed, which assesses your readiness for ART initiation. Once on ART, the care plan will include your subsequent monitoring visits and follow-up blood tests and frequency at which to collect your medication.
Free Services include:
- Free HIV Consultations for the 1st year of treatment
- Free HIV Blood tests funded by government
- Free HIV Medicine funded by government
- Under 15 years of age and pregnant patients cannot be treated due to lack of access to the specific drugs needed to treat these cases.
- Advanced Clinical Care patients (Some stage three and above, or those who have not coped on regimen one anti-retroviral medicines will require referral to a State facility).
- Patients with unsuppressed viral loads that indicate resistance to the current regimen may have to be referred to State.
- Complex patients who get resistant to ARTs or cannot be managed by ARTs.
- Only HIV and TB is covered and certain sexually transmitted infections (STI), all other conditions are not.
Note: TB and STIs are still being rolled-out and not available at GPs yet.
The YCN is a program for patients without medical aid covering their HIV treatment.
- Those who are cash paying patients and not on medical aid.
- Those who unenroll in their medical aid for whatever reason are considered cash patients and are eligible for the subsidized treatment.
- Those who are enrolled in medical aid, but are in the window period for coverage, will be considered cash patients and will be eligible for subsidy until he/she can successfully transfer to his/her medical aid HIV program.
The programme covers the first 12 months of treatment, thereafter patients will be enrolled onto the State Central Chronic Medicine Dispensing and Distribution (CCMDD) programme to collect medication at a convenient pick-up point such as a retail chain or pharmacy depending on locations available.

HIV is a virus known as the human immunodeficiency virus. When someone becomes HIV-positive he has been infected by this virus. It does not mean that he is sick or has any symptoms. HIV will harm his immune system (which protects him against germs) very slowly over many years. Many people don’t know they are HIV-positive because they feel well, and don’t have any symptoms and haven’t been checked (tested) for HIV in their blood. It is better to know you have HIV as early as possible before you start becoming sick.
If you have recently learnt you are HIV-positive you might feel worried, confused or even scared but knowing your status is an important factor in taking care of yourself and making good decisions about your health. HIV is fairly easy to treat in the modern age.

Modern ARVs are convenient (one pill, once a day), safe (minimal side effects) and very effective. All HIV-related treatment is free of charge at public hospitals and clinics and now available from private doctors that are registered on the Your Care Network.
If you are HIV-positive, going onto antiretroviral treatment and adhering (taking it every day as prescribed) is the best way for you to ensure you stay healthy. It’s never a good idea to wait until you get sick before taking ARVs.
Some people experience side effects from ARVs, but this should not prevent you from taking them because there is always something that a medical practitioner can do to help improve any side effects that you may experience. Some people have no side effects and others only experience them for a short while. Chatting to your doctor and trying different ARVs as suggested by your doctor is the best way to find the treatment that would be best for you. Here are some side effects that have been reported.
- Loss of appetite. If this lasts longer than a week or so you should discuss it with your doctor. There are appetite stimulants like Vitamin B Complex that your doctor may suggest.
- Lipodystrophy. This is probably something you do not need to worry about if you are on ARVs that are commonly prescribed these days. Some ARVs (mostly the older types that are not used as frequently anymore) can cause a gain or loss of fat in certain parts of the body. There are a few things your doctor can suggest that you do to help prevent that. But, most ARVs do not cause this problem nowadays.
- Diarrhoea. Some people do experience diarrhoea for the first couple of weeks of starting an ARV. This usually goes away quickly, but if it doesn’t, ensure that you drink plenty of water and chat with your doctor or clinician about a number of ways that you can do something about it.
- Fatigue. Your body may take a little while to adapt to the new ARVs in your system and that may cause you to feel very tired and drained. This will usually also improve after a few weeks.
- Higher cholesterol. Some people do test higher for cholesterol levels after they have been on ARV treatment. If you are on ARVs you should try to be more conscious of the food that you eat. Avoid sugary and fatty processed foods.
- Mood changes. Some people do experience a period of moodiness like anxiety or depression after they begin ARVs, but this also usually clears soon and can often also be due to other concerns you may have. Chat to your doctor and make sure that you have good support from your friends and family.
- Nausea and vomiting. At the beginning of ARV treatment, some guys report nausea and occasional vomiting. Make sure your doctor knows if this doesn’t improve so that another ARV can be recommended.
- Allergic reactions. Some guys develop a rash or other allergic reactions or sensitivities when they first start ARV treatment. If you develop a rash you should see your healthcare provider as soon as possible because in a very small percentage of cases this can lead to serious complications. In most cases, the rash will be gone after 3-4 days, but a healthcare provider needs to make sure all is in order.
- Insomnia. Some guys report that the first week of being on ARVs is often a difficult time to fall asleep, this should also get better with time.
- Immune reactions. If you start ARVs with a CD4 count of less than 200 there is a chance of the immune system acting in paradoxical ways. Patients may get more feverish, feel ill, have night sweats etc. Please consult your healthcare provider immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.
As we mentioned, you may not experience any symptoms at all, and even if you do it is better to be on ARVs if you are HIV-positive because they can help you keep a strong healthy body that can fight off infections and illnesses. Without ARVs, you can be vulnerable and be at risk of getting very sick.
What about my HIV treatment if I have TB?
What will happen to me if I drink alcohol while I’m on ART?
What happens if I don’t take my pills?
Covid-19 Preventative Measures

Wash your hands regularly with soap or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

Avoid close contact with people who are sick

Cover your cough or sneeze with a flexed elbow or a tissue, then throw the tissue in the bin

Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
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